Saturday, September 13, 2008

A New Year!

I always love the beginning of a new school year. A fresh start. New curriculum. An abundance of school supplies (I have a thing for school supplies!) This is my first year of homeschooling a "middle schooler". Ashleys' curriculum this year will include Bible of course, United States Geography, the usual 6th grade math and Language arts, Earth Science, and what I am most excited about - Japanese. Or as I should say "Nihongo" (Japanese) Stay tuned as I post our Unit Studies.

Our co-op starts in 2 weeks as well. There I will be teaching Beginning Sewing and World Geography.

Zack's programs are getting into swing too. His programs this period are focusing on organizing the cortical areas of the brain, improving his breathing and thereby improving his language. We found out that he is talking up a storm, but his voice is so soft and his articulation so poor, that we cannot understand him. In fact, he facilitated that "I talk all of the time but they (his family) don't listen." That of course, broke my heart, and explains some of the bad behaviors he has due to frustration.

So we will continue his running program (3 miles per day- I'm gonna be so skinny!) We are increasing his gymnastics program and have added a simple gymnastics routine he will learn and practice 5 times per day. Also, he has a gravity assisted jumping and hopping program that I think he going to love. In addition, he is to increase his bracheation (monkey bars) from 10 trips per day to 40.

To improve his breathing, he will continue to sleep in his Respiratory patterning device. He will do about 70 masks per day and we have added 10-20 CO2O2 inhalations per day.

He is back on his special diet (no wheat, no milk, no soy, no tomatoes, no citrus, no bananas) so I am cooking all fresh organic again. However this time, the whole family is going on the diet, not just Zack. Which is only fair and we can all stand to eat more healthy. Ashley is not very happy about this!!

Kristen continues to learn to read and do math using programs I learned for Zack at the Institutes . Remember she is only 13 months old!!! I will be adding Encyclopedic Knowledge to that in the next couple of weeks as soon as I can get the materials made.

Busy, busy!! But I love every minute of it!

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