Friday, March 21, 2008

Long Time No Post!

Whew, what a busy week or so! So much has happened. Where do I begin? The big news!!!!!! We finally sold our house! Yeah! No more keeping it spotless which I can tell you is super hard for a book and paper crazy homeschool mom with 3 kids! We have also bought a new home which we move into on April 25th. And when I say brand new, I mean BRAND SPANKING NEW with loads of upgrades and 2850 square feet!!. This deal really just fell into our laps. There was a house in a subdivision that someone had custom built and had lost their contract. The builder needed to get rid of it before their fiscal year ended. Their loss but our gain! We got it for a steal and will be moving in with $50,000 in equity from the get go. I can't wait to post a couple of pics of my new kitchen which is as big as my den and kitchen put together now. Next week I will be heading over to measure for curtains and will take some pictures then. Meanwhile, here are a couple pics of the outside:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new house! I dream of more room.